Truth is where you find it.

Truth is where you find it.
Love: All humans have God-value; treat yourself and others accordingly.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Believers all believe
Their belief is best
Their belief's from God
To hell with all the rest

Believers take their stand
For things that they believe
Things for which they'd die or kill
They themselves deceive

Believers will believe
They excel the least
That all belief is blind
Is the nature of the beast

(C) 2012, Qoheleth

Monday, September 10, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 3:5

5a time to throw away stones,
and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace,
and a time to refrain from embracing;
If we speak of stones
We gather stones for building
Discard to clear land
If we speak of sex
Sex has an essential role
So does abstinence
Live life in balance
In sexual encounters
In building houses
To hold another
In life sustaining embrace
Dispels loneliness
We need solitude
If we would know another
We must know ourselves
©2012, Qoheleth
Picture Credit: William Johnson Photography and 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I AM Here

When light broke into nothing
With a Bang that no ear heard
When Order sprang from Chaos
With the speaking of a Word
I AM here

When a single cell of life
Oozed from a primal sea
And evolved in adaptations
To all you know to be
I AM here

In the sunrise on the mountains
In the sunset on the sea
In the pain and joy of childbirth
In the prison with the free
I AM here

When nail or phallus pierces
The flesh of innocence
And the flame burns the children
In war’s senseless offence
I AM here

In your deepest loneliness
Of homelessness and cold
Between the silks of opulence
A voice of silence in your soul
I AM here

©Stan Sanford
August 30, 2011

Friday, August 10, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 3:4

4a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

Parallel ideas
Comparing joy and sorrow
Yin yang in relief

Opposites reflect
Essential realities
Point and counterpoint

Crying in sorrow
Laughing and dancing in joy
Indicate our needs

We will mourn and weep
If we should lose a resource
For meeting love need

We will laugh and dance
In any situation
We meet our love need

I will weep with you
In sorrow and I will laugh
With you in your joy

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Believers all believe
Their belief is best
Their belief's from God
To hell with all the rest

Believers take their stand
For things that they believe
Things for which they'd die or kill
They themselves deceive

Believers all believe
They excel the least
That all belief is blind
Is the nature of the beast

© 2012, Qoheleth

Monday, August 6, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 3:3

3a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;4

What is this business
When is it a time to kill
When life is sacred

It’s a time to kill
To protect the innocent
Protocol of life

Does the God of love
See capital punishment
Fit in his design

God of healing grace
Strengthen my inner being
With power that heals

Rebuilding requires
Tearing out the broken down
To restore the house

Look at opposites
Each one defines the other
From our perspective

Building is not good
When it does not meet a need
But just serves a want

Friday, August 3, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 3:2

2a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; 

When the season’s right
Things come into awareness
And then they go out 

Birthing and dying
Encompasses our being
The self transcends them 

The planting season
Followed by harvest season
Followed by planting 

The birthing season
Precedes the dying season
Followed by birthing 

Opposites maintain
The circle of life in tact
Circle of seasons


Without form and without voice
Without dreams and without choice
The predestined soul
Lives to be what it will be
Lives out the whims of deity
Its determined goal 
Without reason without rhyme
Without rhythm without time
These presumptive lines 
Live to float upon the breeze
Live perhaps that they may please
Their creator's mind

© 2012, Qoheleth 

Thursday, July 26, 2012


When light broke into nothing
With a Bang that no ear heard
When Order sprang from Chaos
With the speaking of a Word
I AM there
When a single cell of Life
Oozed from a primal sea
And evolved in adaptations
To all life that came to be
I AM there
In the sunrise on the mountains
In the sunset on the sea
In the pain and joy of childbirth
In the prison—with the free
I AM there
When nail or phallus pierces
The flesh of innocence
And fire burns the children
In war’s heartless offence
I AM there
When sun warms the breast of earth
And life within it swells
When upon a bloody cross
Heaven enters hell
I AM there
In your deepest loneliness
Of homelessness and cold
Or in the silks of opulence
A voice of silence in your soul
I AM there
©2012, Qoheleth

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Seasons Change

(Song Lyrics)
On a gray and dismal winter day,
A greening tender bud on a tree:
In the cold of winter, the first sign
Of the coming spring I see. 

Seasons change, just wait a while;
The pain that you feel will soon be gone;
But you must accept the fact
That pleasure, too, will pass;
For the seasons never last very long. 

The spring is coming around again;
The colors and the sounds of new life
Blend in a dance of pleasure and pain;
I feel both the harmony and strife. 

The summer brings carefree sleepy days,
In the mountains, by the ocean’s shore;
Priceless, yes, each moment in the sun,
For all too soon they will be no more. 

Sunny days are growing shorter now;
Autumn colors bursting into view;
It seems the leaves try to hold the sun,
Just as I am holding on to you. 

©1997, Stan Sanford

Qoheleth Haiku 3:1

Suzie Buchholz             

1For everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven:

Thanks to Pete Seeger
Many know Qoheleth’s thought
The Byrds Turn Turn Turn

Only a season
Is what God allots to us
To succeed or fail

In a space of time
We have opportunity
As we move thorough space

It is God’s design
For all that he created
Its own time and place

A matter of time
What we do to meet our needs
For it’s about time*

God leaves nothing out
Nothing that fits his design
He gives each its time

Make the most of time
The present is all we have
No future nor past 

*See John Denver’s “It’s about Time”

Monday, July 23, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 2:26

26For to the one who pleases him God
gives wisdom and knowledge and joy;
but to the sinner he gives the work of gathering and heaping,
only to give to one who pleases God.
This also is vanity and a chasing after wind.

The one pleasing God
The one who aligns himself
With God’s grand design

Not a despot king
Requiring subservience
Is God Almighty

The sinner is one
Who does not align himself
With God’s grand design

Wisdom, knowledge, joy
Come to those aligned with God
Fulfills life’s purpose

Where is there justice
Where one works and one profits
God is a just God

Qoheleth confronts
 Contemporary wisdom
That God is partial

Injustice abounds
Output of the human mind
Not the mind of God