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They were "Giants
in the Earth,"
But the vast empty prairie
Swallowed Beret
And drug her into its dark bowels,
Replicating its emptiness in her soul.
Her closest companion, Per,
Could offer no solace--
Could not penetrate
The tomb that encased her life.
He was seventeen,
Reading the classic novel
For his literature class.
The tentacles of Beret's pain reached out for him,
Luring him into her morbid embrace,
As would some clandestine lover,
Drawing the innocent youth
To her bed.
He fell into the void of her soul,
Feeling as minuscule in the universe,
As she on the Dakota frontier.
His mind retreated from his body,
As he lay on a small cot
In a corner of a South Georgia farmhouse.
In an infinite regression,
He plummeted into outer darkness
Beyond the edge of the universe.
There, as the last remaining
Shred his sanity melted into nothingness,
He awoke in the light of Mind,
Ultimate Reality.
Time and space dissolved;
His mind became one with Mind.
His mind envisioned
The universe,
Universes beyond universes,
Universes within universes.
From the perspective of Mind,
All reality condensed into
A dimensionless point.
They were giants.
©2013, Qoheleth
Giants in the Earth, Ole Edvart Rølvaag