Truth is where you find it.

Truth is where you find it.
Love: All humans have God-value; treat yourself and others accordingly.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Qoheleth Haiku 3:17

17I said in my heart,
God will judge the righteous and the wicked,
for he has appointed a time for every matter,
and for every work.
Talking to oneself
The mechanism we use
To get clear pictures
The reference to “heart”
The center of who we are
More than emotion
Philosophical questions
No final answers
God transcends space/time
Exists within and outside
Past present future
God is the standard
By which he measures all things
The reason for grace
©2013, Qoheleth

Sunday, March 24, 2013


My fathers came from England, seeking freedom so they said
“It’s our right, by God and might; and ‘cause his skin is red,
This land is ours by heaven’s powers; it’s simply ours to claim.
The Indian?  To hell with him; we white; we’re not to blame.”
But being white don’t make it right; we somehow have to see
Each child of earth, by human birth, is born to liberty.

My fathers went to Africa and found the black man there.
“We’ve work to do; so, we’ll make you a slave our loads to bear.
Because we’re white and live in light, and God is or our side,
We’ll use the whip; your back we’ll rip, ‘till blood runs from your hide.
But being white don’t make it right; inside we’re all the same:
Our blood runs red; inside our head, the same creative brain.

My fathers built a railroad across the Promise Land.
To tote the rail and drive the nail, they used they used the yellow man.
“He’s less than we; and, so, you see, we’re right to make him toil
Beneath the sun, and when he’s done, we’ll drive him in the soil.”
But being white don’t make it right; it’s arrogance and pride
That sees another less than brother, when the soul has died.

My fathers preached the Gospel; they talked of truth and love;
But turned to hate at heaven’s gate, claimed power from above.
And now the God on whom they trod calls us to repent:
We must atone for sins they’ve done or pay the consequence.
Yeah, being white don’t make it right, no matter where you stand;
For God has shown beneath skin tone lies the value of a man.
©2013 Qoheleth

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Qoheleth Haiku 3:16

16Moreover I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, wickedness was there, and in the place of righteousness, wickedness was there as well.
There should be justice
But there’s only injustice
This the way of man
Politics and church
Filled with power distortions
It’s the status quo
Children know fairness
Adults find themselves confused
Clarify blindness
The church corrupted
There the power mongers prowl
Seeking out the weak
Wickedness prevails
In places where it should
If it should at all
©2013 Qoheleth

The Wind Blew

I heard the wind’s empty howl
In the alleys of my mind
With turbulence and eddies
There only trash it finds
I heard the wind a blowing
‘Cross the deserts of my soul
Oases without water
Which thirsty demons stole
I heard the wind blow harder
Through the tundra of my heart
Numbing all emotion
No science and no art
I heard the wind a brooding
O’er the dark abyss
Bring order out of chaos
That life I might not miss
 ©2013 Qoheleth

Thursday, March 21, 2013

They Were Giants

Google pictures
They were "Giants in the Earth,"
But the vast empty prairie
Swallowed Beret
And drug her into its dark bowels,
Replicating its emptiness in her soul.
Her closest companion, Per,
Could offer no solace--
Could not penetrate
The tomb that encased her life.

He was seventeen,
Reading the classic novel
For his literature class.
The tentacles of Beret's pain reached out for him,
Luring him into her morbid embrace,
As would some clandestine lover,
Drawing the innocent youth
To her bed.
He fell into the void of her soul,
Feeling as minuscule in the universe,
As she on the Dakota frontier.
His mind retreated from his body,
As he lay on a small cot
In a corner of a South Georgia farmhouse.
In an infinite regression,
He plummeted into outer darkness
Beyond the edge of the universe.
There, as the last remaining
Shred his sanity melted into nothingness,
He awoke in the light of Mind,
Ultimate Reality.
Time and space dissolved;
His mind became one with Mind.
His mind envisioned
The universe,
Universes beyond universes,
Universes within universes.
From the perspective of Mind,
All reality condensed into
A dimensionless point.
They were giants.

©2013, Qoheleth
Reference: Giants in the Earth, Ole Edvart Rølvaag

Qoheleth 3:15

15That which is, already has been;
 that which is to be, already is;
and God seeks out what has gone by.
Of what does he speak
Cannot Qoheleth see change
He sees something else

Heraclitus notes
One cannot step into the same
Stream more than one time

What stays always same
The reality of needs
Common to us all

God is transcendent
Time and space do not bind him
Timelessly present

God lives in the past
The present and the future
Before time “I am”

©2012 Qoheleth
Heraclitus could have said, “You cannot step into the same stream once.”

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Qoheleth Haiku 3:14

14I know that whatever God does endures forever;
nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it;
God has done this, so that all should stand in awe before him.
Can one think of God
Unless God stirs one’s thinking
The thought means nothing
Energy’s conservation
The God dimension
The ground of being
Everything exist in God
Nothing without God
God is beyond all
God is within all that is
Without him nothing
In awe before God
One is never terrified
But finds perfect peace
©2013, Qoheleth

Monday, March 18, 2013

Qoheleth Haiku 3:13

Stock Photo
13moreover, it is God’s gift
that all should eat and drink
and take pleasure in all their toil.
God gave us feelings
Feelings are indicators
Of our needs status
God gives us pleasure
Not as something to pursue
But purpose fulfilled
God is one who gives
Provider and sustainer
Of his creation
God gives us his life
His life more abundantly
Meeting all our needs
Eating and drinking
Meeting needs by God’s design
Produces pleasure
©2013, Qoheleth

Qoheleth Haiku 3:12

12I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live…
A misconception
The pursuit of happiness
You can’t outrun it
When we meet our needs
Happiness and enjoyment
Indicate we have
Our whole life purpose
To meet needs as God designed
Then we are content
In deepest ennui
Qoheleth’s optimism
In pessimism
To live the best life
We must live by God’s design
Not the world’s pictures

©2013, Qoheleth