Truth is where you find it.

Truth is where you find it.
Love: All humans have God-value; treat yourself and others accordingly.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 2:21

21because sometimes one who has toiled
with wisdom and knowledge and skill
must leave all to be enjoyed by another who did not toil for it.
This also is vanity and a great evil.

When it’s not enough
Our best knowledge and wisdom
We act foolishly

One skilled in the use
Of erudite qualities
May still lack wisdom

Knowledge and wisdom
That fails to meet God’s design
Is the art of fools

No one will enjoy
That for which one did not work
Which does not meet needs

The saying is true
You cannot take it with you
Unless you take love

We will miss the point
If we put not things in place
Our minds remain blunt

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 2:19

19 --and who knows whether they will be wise or foolish?
Yet they will be master of all for which I toiled
and used my wisdom under the sun.
This also is vanity.

What of trust fund kids
Most of them use foolishly
What someone left them

Someone else will rule
Over that which I have ruled
I cannot change that

Wisdom is not wise
If it toils to attain things
That do not meet needs

Labor’s emptiness
Lies in the alteration
Of the unchanging

Why should my children
Benefit from my labor
With unearned pleasure

Who is the master
If mastery is transient
Nothing’s forever


All my pictures now are twisted;
I have lost hold of what was truth.
I know that I’m growing older;
And that I’ve lost the strength youth.

My pictures that are fantasies
Obliterate reality:
I cannot tell the good from bad;
I’m having trouble knowing me.

The preacher tells me that I’ve sinned;
And I have no rebuttal there;
For sometimes I will question grace
And ask God if he really cares.

When morning dawns with darkness,
And I cannot get out of bed,
Lying there, the darkness deepens;
I sometimes wish that I were dead.

But life lies there beside of me,
Oblivious to my pain:
I must rise in my depression,
Get up, and face the world again.

©2012, Qoheleth

Qoheleth Haiku 2:20

                                                             Edvard Munch                     
20So I turned and gave my heart up to despair
concerning all the toil of my labors under the sun,

Great despair will come
When we see that our efforts
Will come to nothing

If we miss the mark
Of what God designed for us
What do we have left

I will make the choice
Whether I despair or not
Thought creates feeling

How does wisdom miss
That which is life’s essentials
And end in despair

Toil under the sun
The same as under the mood
Should be done in light

Though the sun gives light
It will not enlighten our
Misguided wisdom

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 2:18

I hated all my toil 
in which I had toiled under the sun,
seeing that I must leave it 
to those who come after me...

Why should I pass on
My estate to my children
Did they work for it

Every generation should
Work for that which meets their needs
Be responsible

Hate is a strong word
When it means to devalue
It’s even stronger

After I have died
I no longer have control
That I once controlled

The old folk saying
You cannot take it with you
Surely has it right

Profitless toil
That which I seek to give me
That which it cannot

Sunday, June 24, 2012

God of the Forsaken

(Song Lyrics)

You are God of quarks and photons
Of the universe and more
You are God of health and sickness
Of the virgin and the whore
Of capitalist and communist
The union man and scab
You are God of Mohammed
Of the Buddha and the Bab
Of Jesus and of Moses
Great Spirit above all
God of our redemption
Of Eden of the fall
You are God of limitations
And without boundary
God of the neutrino
And of infinity

You are God of the Forsaken
Of the broken and the torn
Of the burned and the forgotten
Of the dead of the unborn
You are God of choice and God of chance
Of immutability
Of change and transition
Of time and eternity

You are God of stocks and Wall Street
And of Tobacco Road
You are God of care-free life styles
And heavy crushing loads
You are God of crucifixion
Good Friday Easter morn
You are God of resurrection
The rejoicing the forlorn
You are God of plains and mountains
Of the lotus and the mire
Of the deserts and of wetlands
Of the nothing the entire
You are God of human squalor
Of the mansion on the hill
God of all our boredom
And God of every thrill


There is nothing that evades You
In the rise and fall
I cannot escape your presence
You are God of all

You are God of celebration
Of the dirge and of the dance
You are God of hearth and cradle
Of the ladle and the lance
Of storms and of tranquility
Of serenity of peace
You are God of war and turmoil
Of the loss and the increase
You are God of mind and matter
The Spirit of the earth
God of convalescence
Of digression and of birth
You are God of jail and prison
God of liberty
You dwell with the enslaved
You live with the free

(Chorus 2x)
I cannot escape your presence
You are God of  all

© 2006 Qoheleth

Qoheleth Haiku 2:17

17So I hated life,
because what is done under the sun was grievous to me;
for all is vanity and a chasing after wind.

Hate that disvalues
That which God calls valuable
Does not value God

If we cannot see
The value in creation
We cannot see God

If we place our worth
In the material world
Our worth eludes us

Ancient Qoheleth
From cultural perspective
Misses the picture

One must understand
That the essential value
Of matter is God’s

The world is not ours
To meet our physical needs
Nothing more than that

Existence belongs
To God as supreme owner
We may borrow it

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Remember Me

Remember Me

Children, don’t forget me.
I will soon be gone.
I came to stay with you a while,
But now I’m moving on.
I taught you everything I could—
Gave all I have to give;
And now I’m going to the cross
To die that you may live.
Come eat a little bread with me;
Drink a little wine;
And I will live inside your hearts;
And you will live in mine.
This my body, this my blood,
I freely give for you;
Take them and remember me
Every time you do.

Remember me.
Remember me.
I am leaving now,
And you’ll no longer see
Me in your presence physically;
But by the bread and wine
Know that I live inside your hearts
And that you live in mine.

© 2012, Qoheleth

Qoheleth Haiku 2:16

16For there is no enduring remembrance of the wise or of fools,
seeing that in the days to come all will have been long forgotten.
How can the wise die just like fools?

It does not matter
The wise one and fool alike
Have the same value

All have God’s value
We ask then why do all die
Maybe death is life

All have God’s value
We ask then why do all die
God in Jesus died

We’re not remembered
Beyond living memory
But God is alive

Death is a portal
To another phase of life
Embrace death in turn

Please remember me
Said Jesus at the last meal
He shared with his friends

Of our greatest fears
The fear to be forgotten
God remember me

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 2:15

15Then I said to myself, 
"What happens to the fool will happen to me also; 
why then have I been so very wise?" 
And I said to myself that this also is vanity.

Life is no respecter
Of one’s mental qualities
All have the same needs

Death is no respecter
Of one’s moral condition
Everyone will die

Things we can’t control
Occur to all in common
Even unique ones

The wisest will die
Perhaps he already has
Or should I say “she”

How does the sage know
That he has been very wise
Does someone tell him

Who instructs the wise
Don’t they tell him at the start
What his end will be

As a fading breath
When the wise man breathes his last
He fades with the fool

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 2:14

14The wise have eyes in their head, 
but fools walk in darkness. 
Yet I perceived that the same fate befalls all of them.

They’re common to all
Life death and bowel movements
Sage and fool alike

If the sage can see
That which leaves the fool clueless
How should they relate

Neither sage nor fool
Understands the quality
That separates them

They walk hand in hand
The wise man and the foolish one
Toward the same fate

We go separate ways
Traveling down the road of life
We will meet in death

Alone together
Although our bodies may touch
Our minds deviate

Sometimes the Road Is Long

Sometimes the road is long
And seems without an end,
When everything goes wrong,
And I can’t find a friend;
But then I hear your song
Floating on the wind.
It tells me that I belong
And that I can depend
On your presence here
To walk the road with me
And take away the fear
Of things I cannot see.
You promise you’ll be near
Through any tragedy,
And always let me hear
The truth that sets me free.

© 2012, Qoheleth

Qoheleth Haiku 2:13

13 Then I saw that wisdom excels folly
 as light excels darkness.

We live and we learn
How to make sound distinction
Between right and wrong

What changes our minds
When we glimpse reality
Our pictures will change

Our ambivalence
Caught between two opinions
We lose sight of truth

When you cannot see
Wisdom and folly differ
You are in darkness

Wisdom lives in light
Still each day wisdom chooses
To avoid darkness

Qoheleth Haiku 2:12

12So I turned to consider wisdom and madness and folly; 
for what can the one do who comes after the king? 
Only what has already been done.

Cynicism reigns
In the disparaging mind
That fails to see hope

With extreme boasting
There is madness and folly
It’s perverted praise

What about the king
He’s essentially the same
As the foolish man

All that a king does
Does not change his personhood
Just experience

Never the same thing
Done today as yesterday
It just looks that way

The king cannot know
The life of the common man
And vice versa too
The king did it all
Everything a king can do
But not what I do

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 2:11

11Then I considered all that my hands had done
and the toil I had spent in doing it, and again,
all was vanity and a chasing after wind,
and there was nothing to be gained under the sun.

Time and energy
Are the things we have to spend
We must spend wisely

What is it I see
When I look at what I’ve done
Something or nothing

What does it profit
For one to gain the whole world
And lose one’s being

Material gain
Gains only material
Amounts to nothing

One chasing the wind
As a dog chasing its tail
Gets where one started

© 2012, Qoheleth

Riding on a Raindrop


Riding on a raindrop
Sailing with the moon
Going to bed at sunrise
Sleeping until noon
Walking through the Milky Way
Childhood fantasy
Playing with my memories
The only thing that’s free 

© 2012 Qoheleth

Sunday, June 10, 2012


                                                       Daryl Musick, artist


He’s always been a little strange;
Folks say he’s rather odd;
He talks to someone they can’t see;
He says he talks to God.
He’s forgiving those who hurt him;
He turns the other cheek;
He gives away ’most all he has;
But people say he’s weak.
He would never sue a debtor;
He helps him pay his debt;
He’d walk a mile or two with you;
You’d never hear him fret.
He’s friendly to those others hate;
He never counts his loss;
But he lived life to the fullest, then
He died upon a cross.

© 2012, Qoheleth

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Qoheleth Haiku 2:10

10Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them;
I kept my heart from no pleasure, for my heart found pleasure in all my toil,
and this was my reward for all my toil.

Is more than an emotion
It’s an essential

Out of curiosity
Meets a basic need

Desire of the eyes
If sought for desire alone
Is sin as per John

Eyes see potential
Of making an improvement
On situations

Pursuit of pleasure
An inalienable right
Or a corruption

The pursuit of toil
Satisfying basic needs
Produces pleasure

What is a reward
Is it not affirmation
Of a task well done

Friday, June 8, 2012


I’m not good at writing stories;
I can’t consternate that long;
I damn sure can’t write a novel;
Hell, I can’t even write a song.
Should I squeeze out a poem;
My attention deficit
Just leaves me with frustration;
So, now I’ll have to quit.

©Qoheleth, 2012