Truth is where you find it.

Truth is where you find it.
Love: All humans have God-value; treat yourself and others accordingly.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Riding on a Raindrop


Riding on a raindrop
Sailing with the moon
Going to bed at sunrise
Sleeping until noon
Walking through the Milky Way
Childhood fantasy
Playing with my memories
The only thing that’s free 

© 2012 Qoheleth

1 comment:

  1. Fairy Dust

    The mind is but the playground of the soul.
    It will build a castle from fairy dust,
    and pave its roads with gold.
    On a whim it will tear them down,
    and grind them under toe.
    Perhaps to build of firmer stuff
    if the heart will tell it so.
    With time and luck it learns new ways,
    and leaves the child behind.
    But fairy dust and roads of gold
    are always on its mind.

