Truth is where you find it.

Truth is where you find it.
Love: All humans have God-value; treat yourself and others accordingly.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Qoheleth Haiku 3:20-21

20All go to one place; all are from the dust, and all turn to dust again.
21Who knows whether the human spirit goes upward
and the spirit of animals goes downward to the earth?
Body and spirit
Animated life on earth
Same but different
Fate of the body
That it will return to dust
Causes great concern
Merged identity
Self as body and spirit
In the mind as one
The spirit is breath
Animating living things
The power of life
One cannot see breath
One cannot say where it goes
One only assumes
©2013, Qoheleth

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Qoheleth Haiku 3:21

21Who knows whether the human spirit goes upwards
and the spirit of animals goes downwards to the earth?

The puzzles of life
Remain unanswered questions
Open doors to faith

Only man fears death
All life fights for survival
We foresee the end

Take him at his word
The wisdom of Qoheleth
Did not know all answers

The spirit is breath
Wind of life in creation
The breath of breathing

Is there difference
Between man and animals
Both have breath of life

©2013, Qoheleth

Qoheleth Haiku 3:20

20 All go to one place;
all are from the dust,
and all turn to dust again.

A gloomy prospect
That our physical being
Is nothing but dust

A thrilling idea
Kinship with the universe
That we are stardust

Body elements
Came into their existence
Eons in the past

In God’s grand design
From billions of years ago
Creates what we are

A gloomy prospect
May take our thoughts to the grave
Or stir us to life

©2013, Qoheleth

Monday, April 8, 2013

Qoheleth Haiku 3:18

18I said in my heart with regard to human beings
that God is testing them
to show that they are but animals.
Way before his time
Qoheleth saw connection
What makes us unique
From all other animals
We know that we know
A contradiction
We exist as animals
With the breath of God
God does not need proof
Of our animal nature
But we need to know
I know who I am
When I face reality
Through clouded vision
©2013, Qoheleth

Qoheleth Haiku: 3:19

19For the fate of humans and the fate of animals is the same;
as one dies, so dies the other.
They all have the same breath,
and humans have no advantage over the animals;
for all is vanity.
It is realism
And not pessimism
It’s the way it is
Our nearest kin
Animal kingdom brothers
Share a common fate
Life common to all
The breath of life that we breathe
Then we all expire
Did Qoheleth see
The grave as the end of life
Or life after life
Why a moral life
If this life is all there is
It is the best life
Does pessimism
Lead one to ultimate despair
Or optimism
©2013, Qoheleth